Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting to Know Me

So ... Who am I? ....

Riddle me this! ... I am a wife and I have no husband. I am a grandmother and I have never given birth. I have lived in three countries and the sun has never set on any of them. I’ve reinvented myself many times and my name has stayed the same since I became an adult. And ... I am also a bicyclist.

Let’s begin with my bicycle. It’s not your everyday bicycle, a little top heavy, being rather high in the saddle and short in the shanks. This is because I can only bend my right knee so far, the result of a rather unfortunate three-way collision between myself, my motorcycle, and a very large truck, more than a quarter of a century ago.
I fell off my (brand new in the summer of 2008) green bicycle when standing still. (I recall I did exactly the same thing when I first rode my motorcycle way back in 1981!) Having got that out of the way I haven’t looked back since.

I don’t look like your everyday bicyclist either. I’m not the type to wear snug fitting, brightly coloured spandex, or any other fabric ending in ‘ex’. Give me something loose-fitting that flaps in the breeze so I can really feel as though I’m moving along. Going down the hills at least. My top is a cut down t-shirt, and my shorts used to be a pair of long trackpants. Nor do I race along the road as though my very life depended on it, and have muscles poised to jump out of the afore-mentioned tight clothes at a moments notice. I do have muscles, but they are discreetly covered by an abundance of other sorts of body tissue. I don’t speed along anywhere unless it’s downhill. I amble. And I amble along the scenic route wherever I can. There’s so much more to be seen that way. A lot like life really.

So, what is what this blog is all about: Personal observations about the scenic route. The journey itself, things one might see, and reflections that arise along the way.

And finally .... A bit about comments. All are welcome, however, those that contain excessive Profanity, Libel, Slander and Spam (sounds like a legal firm!) will be deleted. If you communicate like that, try writing a hard-boiled mystery novel.